
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pollution in Beijing: Saturday, May 19th

In one day we did the Temple of Heaven and the Summer Palace (which I don’t recommend because it is a lot of walking, especially when you have no idea where you are going). The buildings were beautiful but the scenes, and my photos, were much less than their potential because of the awful pollution combined with the cloudy day. The beautiful colors of green, red and blue were harmed and degraded in the grey sky because the contrast it needs via sun and blue skies was denied. Some days were better than others, some days were awful, like this day, but some days you will wake up to blue skies. The pollution levels were very inconsistent, which I never really figured out. I didn’t experience much breathing problem with the pollution, just visually and the smell was awful. It was a sham when you knew there was an excellent view of traditional architecture and mountains, but you couldn't see it because of the grey haze that covered it up. I also never saw a sunrise or a sun set in China because the Sun disappears in the pollution way before it hits the horizon. It is a real shame and I hope one day it can be fixed so that the majesty of these places can be how they once were in their time.

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