
Monday, May 28, 2012

Replacing the Old with the New: May 28th

The main goal of the Chinese is update China as fast as possible. Chinese also believe in quantity over quality and build now, fix later. Evidence of this can be seen everywhere because on any street corner you can find a new building and a crumbling building. We took a side tour in Shanghai to a River City and took a boat ride on the small river. On one side of the River were new buildings that almost looked American, and on the other side of the river were buildings that were so degraded they looked uninhabitable. They build buildings so fast and with such little quality that they need to be replace much sooner than us Americans would expect. I heard once that they might do this in order to keep up their intake and creation of materials such as steel. What this means at the personal level of the Chinese is that you can either afford the new buildings or you must deal with a home that is falling apart around you.

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