
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Shanghai Architecture: Sunday, May 27th

We arrived in Shaghai the day before, so we started the day off with the Shaghai Museum and a walking Tour of the city. It was the Chinese’s NYC with its big building, bright lights and huge amounts of consumerism. The city is covered in high-rises, each more ridiculous than the next. Each building had it’s own style, each one not like the next one. While that sounds cool, it wasn’t very beautiful during the day when the backdrop is smog instead of clouds and none of the buildings blend together well. It is a huge pot of everything and nothing goes together. The building that gets the most attention is the TV tower (because it is a TV tower turned into a tourist attraction). It is raved about it tour books but I saw it for what it really was: an extremely ugly building made to attract tourists and their money. My theory proved right when we realized to go to the top was $30. Instead we made the genius decision of finding a roof top bar in a fancy hotel and view the Shanghai skyline while sipping wine.

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