
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Chinese Beauty and Advertisements: June 3rd

Advertising in China is just as abundant as it is in America. There are big billboards, posters and TVs in the subways. They were usually very bright, with very happy families. A lot of them resembled American design pretty closely.
In China, their idea of beauty is different than ours. They believe that the paler you are the more beautiful your skin is. They think this because peasants are very tan from farming. The definition of beauty in culture is usually based on what is hard to get, and being pale, or blond, is much more difficult when you are born Chinese. There-for, westerns are considered the right look and appear on advertisements all over China, advertising all different types of luxuries. Seeing a westerner was very rare so seeing more westerners than Chinese on posters was a little strange. This also resulted in several of the blond girls and teachers were asked several times a day to be in pictures with random Chinese people. 

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