
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Planes Trains and Automobiles (in China): May 15th

The plane ride to China took about 20 hours. They first flew me to Chicago and then had a 12 hour flight to Beijing. The plane ride was interesting because the plane has to fly to the North Pole and then down through Russia. I can now say that I have been to Russia and I have few pictures of it!
The time difference between St. Louis and Beijing is about 13 hours. When it’s noon in St. Louis, it’s 1am in Beijing. I arrived at Beijing about 4:30 Beijing time.
The first thing we experienced was the Chinese traffic. How they drive is absolutely crazy. They believe that if you are bigger, you have the right away. They merged in and out of each other, whether or not there was a space. They expect everyone else to move, and you have to move if you are smaller. Also, they don’t believe in seatbelts, even for kids. 
I expected to see a lot of people on bikes but that 's all I expected. I saw a lot of bikes but there were also a lot of walkers and bus stops packed with people. It was easy to see the massive population right away.
After the crazy traffic the second thing we discovered about Beijing was how massive it is. The high rises go on and on and on. I would guess it was about 20x bigger than St. Louis, no exaggeration. St. Louis looks like a tiny city comparatively. 

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