
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Apple turns us down.

I interned with an excellent company in St. Louis for seven months, working on several projects but had the main focus of creating an iPad magazine for the design firm's newsletter. We used Adobe's Digital Publishing Suite to create our magazine and everything went very smoothly. After seven months of edits, we finally came to the final product and I was very proud of it.

When we wanted to publish, we ran into several problems. Our idea is that we would publish to iPad's Newstand because it was built for this exact thing we wanted to accomplish. What we didn't foresee is how costly it is to have a magazine in Newstand: over $1500 a year. This was not going to work for our small 4-issues-per-year publication.

What we did find, was that adobe offered this program called "Single Edition Apps". You could submit your magazine as an APP for free as long as you were an Adobe Member. This was not ideal, but it sounded like it would work..

After submitting to Apple, this is the response we were given after about 3 weeks:

I and my mentor were blown away. We never expected this.

The first thing I learned from my mentor when creating the magazine was to not put anything interactive into the magazine just because I thought it needed more interactivity. We believed that less is more and we found that magazines with too much interactivity were overwhelming.
It was also very unexpected because we followed the examples and tutorials of Adobe Digital Publishing Suite very closely. I felt that they led us down this path into rejection.

We plan to appeal the rejection, but I do not have my hopes up. I can say, however, that this was just one more thing, out of the hundreds of things, that I learned during my internship and I am very grateful for that.

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