
Monday, January 21, 2013

Capstone Beginnings

Since November of last year I have known what I wanted to do for my Capstone. I was researching the city of Quincy when I came upon this magnificent and very old theater, the Washington Theater. The theater had only been reopened a couple of years after being shut down in the 1980s. The theater was built in the 1920s with beautiful architecture that you can only find with buildings built from that era. But it had been abandoned for 30 years and now needs a major face lift.

Because of the Festival going on that weekend, they were letting people explore the inside of the theater and what I say when I went inside took my breath away. I automatically had the over-welling sense that I needed to do what ever I could to make the rehabilitation of this theater happen.

After research, I found that their current website was out dated as the theater: this was my opportunity. I knew this would make an excellent Capstone project because I had the passion but I still needed to learn everything about it. It had the potential of making not only a great story, but also a beautiful website.

After being excited about this project for two months, I finally began the process and came to my first problems (to be figured out). Who was my audience? How do I get my audience to care? How do I get my audience to react? How do I tell this story with a website?

With the help of some close students and friends of mine, we discussed how I could use story to have my audience care about the Washington Theater. We decided the best way to do this was to show them why bringing the theater back to life would be good for them and their city of Quincy.

As I continue on this project this week, I intend to do more research about my audience and the best way of telling a story through a website.

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