
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Washington Theater Research

What I have learned this semester is researching before designing can help your design and design process highly. The more I research on the Washington Theater Project, the more informed my project becomes.
The best research I have come upon lately is the report the Washington Theater Committee gave me. When they gave it to me, they thought it might possibly help me. Because they didn't seem so confident about it, I avoided it for several days and researched in my own direction. When I finally felt I should look at it, I was floored.
What they gave me is a feasibility report of the Washington Theater: 155 pages of in dept information about the competition,  the demographics, the audience, and how the theater would work. It uses both qualitative and quantitative facts to show that the Theater would be very successful as a theater and at helping the city of Quincy if it was successfully restored.  It told me that the theater has no competition and this is a need in the city of Quincy, as a way to generate revenue and to expand the arts and cultural experiences. This has become my bible of research because it tells me everything I need to know about how to build my interactive experience.
What surprised me the most, was how I feel this information is gold, and the Washington Theater Committee just sees it as a report. The Committee has fallen to Curse of Knowledge, a term used in the great book Made to Stick, that describes a person or business that can not get their idea out there because they don't understand what knowledge of their's is powerful. They get lost because they don't understand that their audience is not on the same level as them, they don't have the same knowledge.
I am going to use this information to my advantage and try to help the Washington Theater show the world what they're missing.

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